Student and Parent Sign In

Enter your Username and Password

Create an Account

Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account. You can also manage your account preferences. Learn more.

Parents: If you had an access account in the past please use the Forgot Password link (above) to reset and have a default password sent to your email on file. If you have never had an access account please use the information printed on your student's emergency card to create your Parent PowerSchool account. Click HERE for a guide to create your account.
If you need help setting up or trouble shooting your account please call your child's school office. Office staff will do their best to help you or find help if they are unable to resolve the issue.

Students: Please use your current username and the district default password Student@54. You will be prompted to change your password when you login.
Username Example:23dsmall
Default Password = Student@54
Passwords must contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 special character, and 1 numeric character
MSAD54's Mobile App Code is SPQF. Please note: You will need to uninstall and reinstall the Mobile App. After a recent upgrade to PowerSchool we noticed that grades were not displaying accurately in the Mobile App. To ensure that your son or daughter's grades are reflected accurately it is recommended that you uninstall the app, download it again and reinstall it.
SwiftK12-Alerts:Please note that you can update your preference for school alerts from within your PowerSchool account. Please use THIS GUIDE to help with updating preferences. PowerSchool questions or comments? Please contact your schools' office.